Friday, 8 March 2013

Defined: prologue, epilogue, foreword, preface, introduction, afterword, postscript, footnotes, end notes

There is great confusion between the names of material used to sandwich the main portion of a book. Here are some brief guidelines to distinguish between them. It is based upon my own research. Apologies for any errors!

A prologue or epilogue is only used in fiction. All the rest are names for different types of material used in either fiction or non-fiction. 

All these things are optional. None of them presume the need for any other.

Prologue. Only use a prologue in fiction. It comes BEFORE the actual beginning of the story to introduce characters or to explain past events or history that might need to be explained, or to generally intrigue the reader. It's a great place to provide information relevant to your story without have to go through flashbacks or torturous dialogue in your first few chapters. Keep it short. Bear in mind many people skip it!

Epilogue. Only use an epilogue in fiction. It comes AFTER the story in order to provide some conclusion when the story leaves something hanging. Don't include plot spoilers in case someone reads it before the story!

Foreword. A foreword (NB NOT 'forward'), are words BEFORE the main text which are NOT written by the author. Someone else tell readers WHY they should read the book. This is the place for a guest celebrity or author to praise and introduce the book. It should make an emotional connection with the reader. A foreword should always be 'signed off' by someone other than the author.

Preface. A preface explains HOW the book came about. It is similar to a foreword, but it is written BY the book's author.

Introduction. An introduction does what it implies: it introduces WHAT follows as a concise overview for the reader.

Afterword. An afterword is similar to a foreword except that it comes AFTER the main work instead of before it. Another purpose is to respond to critical remarks made about a previous edition.

Postscript. Seldom used today, a postscript provides further information about the preceding work, perhaps containing brief information about a sequel or related material.

Footnotes. These are used at the foot of a page to amplify topics raised on the SAME page.  They are linked to by reference numbers within the main text. Ensure they are on the correct page in the final printed work! If you need more than a couple on any given page, perhaps you should consider using End Notes instead. Too many footnotes become tiresome!

End Notes. These are used at the end of a book to amplify topics raised within the main body. They are normally linked to by reference numbers within the main text. They are less intrusive than footnotes, but are less likely to be read.

I hope you found this article helpful. Please visit my website, to see what else I write!


  1. Thank you for this helpful list of definitions. I just read Angle of Repose and the edition had an Introduction but it is not signed...but does not appear to be by the author...contains info about the accusation of plagiarism etc...who would usually write an introduction? It is quite long with lots of background about Stegner and the creation of this story which is based on a real person.

  2. Really helpful, thank you.

  3. I was not quite sure whether a prologue and epilogue were appropriate for a non-fiction work. None of the numerous sites that I poured over even explained this, and merely "assumed" that this was already understood. Yours was the only one that provided the rule. All your definitions are simple and concise. Thank you!

  4. Thank you Sir,great post.Very informative.

  5. Thank you Sir,great post.Very informative.

  6. Ian, everything's great here except your information on Prologues and Epilogues -- they're also used in nonfiction, especially exciting memoirs and biographies (e.g., Rachel Carson: A Witness for Nature). Not being a hater -- just needed to give a counterpoint. Thanks! CJ Schepers, ghosty, editor, author

    1. Great, just when I thought I finally got the terminology for prologue, etc., you say not so? Jeez!

  7. Thank you for these points of usage. May I also mention my biography of the mysterious and beautiful Li Xianglan:

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I believe your article quite helpful as I was looking for a name for an epilogue that links to either a next in a series or a postscript linking several like works as the proper name for such an after thought I suppose could be self-inclusive.

  10. I believe your article quite helpful as I was looking for a name for an epilogue that links to either a next in a series or a postscript linking several like works as the proper name for such an after thought I suppose could be self-inclusive.

  11. دائماً ما نسمع أن الكثير من الناس يبحثون عن شركة نقل عفش بجدة ولكن الأهم فى هذا الأمر أن تحصُل فى النهاية على خدمة تتسم بالكفائة العالية , حيث تعتبر الشركة السعودية كبرى الشركات التى تهتم بتريمي الأثاث ومحتويات العفش المنزلية أولي الشركة التى تقدم خدمات رخيصة حتى أصبحت ارخص شركة نقل عفش بجدة
    فعملية البحث عن شركة تقوم بنقل العفش والأثاث ليست مهمة صعبة , ولكن الأصعب أن تكون قد أخترت وحددت الهدف المناسب سواء من ناحية الأسعار الرخيصة أو من خلال كفاءة الخدمة التى ستحصل عليها , فشركتنا أصبحت من ارخص شركات نقل العفش بجدة فنحن نُقدم لكم خدمات متميزة لا مثيل لها فلا تتردد فى التواصل معنا على أرقام شركة نقل عفش بجدة

  12. Instead of Introduction which synonym can be used in thesis as a heading for introductory chapter?
    Please reply

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'm working on a memoir and have written a prologue and epilogue, as I have seen these in already published memoirs.

  15. what about postface? is that an opposite of preface?

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  17. If you set out to make me think today; mission accomplished! I really like your writing style and how you express your ideas. Thank you.

  18. As an aspiring author, this was an extremely helpful resource. Many other sources made it difficult to discern between what was appropriate for fiction versus nonfiction works. Thank you for the concise information!


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  21. So well thought and written! Thank you, sir!
    How about Postface?


  22. شركه سما الصقر
    تعد من افضل شركات ترميم منازل واعمال الدهانات والديكور والمقاولات العامه
    فاننا في سما الصقر
    شركة ترميم منازل بالرياض، كثيرًا ما يتعرض المنزل إلى المشاكل المختلفة والتي يكون في حاجه ترميم، أو يمكن أن يرغب الشخص في أن يقوم بتغير ديكور المنزل في هذه الحالة فإنه يجب عليك التواصل مع شركة ترميم بالرياضالتي تحرص على أن تقدم هذه الخدمات إلى العميل بحرفية شديد.
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    شركة ترميم فلل بالرياض
    ولاننا جميعا نريد دائما ان تظهر منازلنا بصورة مثالية فائقة تبهر كلا من يراها , لذلك يجب علينا دائما ان نلجا الي تفقد وعمل صيانة لمنازلنا بصفة دورية نظرا لما ممكن ن يصيبها من اهتراء الدهان وتساقطه وبعض الشروخ والتصدعات وغيرها سماالصقر لترميم المنازل بالرياض
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    هي واحدة من أنواع شركات الخدمات التي ظهرت في الوقت الحالي ، والسبب في ذلك هو توفير كل ما يتعلق بحماية المنازل أو الفلل أو المباني ، واستعادة هيكلها الجديد مرة أخرى ، مما يزيد من عمرها في المستقبلي
    شركة ترميم بالرياض
    تختلف الخدمات التي تقوم بها شركة ترميم بالرياض حيث تشمل جميع اعمال الترميم بمفهومها الواسع سواء كانت اعادة هيكلة وتصليح للمنزل بسبب التلف الحادث مع مرور الوقت الناتج من تاثير العوامل الخارجية المؤثرة علية من مطر ومناخ ورياح وسيول … الخترميم حمامات
    ترميم حمامات
    هل تبحث عن أفكار لتصميم الحمام؟ بالطبع أنت كذلك ، لهذا أنت هنا! سواء كنت تجري ترميمات صغيرة ، أو تجري إصلاحًا شاملاً ، أو مجرد أحلام اليقظة من مكتبك ، يمكن لتجديد الحمام أن يحدث فرقًا كبيرًا في شعور منزلك شركة ترميم حمامات بالرياض
    لابد ان جميعنا نمر بالعديد من الايام المرهقة التي تنتهي بنا دائما في نهاية المطاف الي المنزل ونبدا برحلة البحث عن الراحة والتخلص من الارهاق والمتاعب التي مررنا بها طوال اليوم ورميها جانبا
    شركة ترميم بالرياض
    شركة ترميم منازل بالرياض

    شركة ترميم فلل بالرياض

    شركة ترميم شمال الرياض
    شركة ترميم بالرياض
    ترميم حمامات

    شركة ترميم حمامات بالرياض


  23. تعتبر شركة انوار الحرمين من أفضل شركات نقل العفش بالمملكة لنقل العفش. تقديم خدمات مميزة فى نقل الاثاث ولكن تتميز شركتنا بان لدينا فك وتركيب وتغليف الاثاث وتعقيمه قبل عملية نقل العفش.

    شركة نقل عفش بالرياض

    شركة نقل عفش بالطائف

    شركة نقل عفش بتبوك

    شركة نقل عفش بجازان

    شركة نقل عفش بالجبيل

    شركة نقل عفش بالاحساء

    شركة نقل عفش بالخبر

    شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة

    شركة نقل عفش بخميس مشيط

    شركة نقل عفش بحفر الباطن

  24. شركات نقل الاثاث في دبي اسرع وارخص خدمة نقل الاثاث باحترافية عالية من خلال فريق مهني محتص في نقل وتخزين الاثاث
    نوفر للعملاء خدمات نقل الاثاث شاملة من الباب للباب تخزين تغليف فك وتركيب الاثاث شركة بي بي سي خيارك الافضل
    نقل اثاث دبي
    شركة نقل اثاث دبي
    نقل اثاث الشارقة
    نقل اثاث ابوظبي
    نقل اثاث العين
    نقل اثاث الفجيرة

  25. شركة شحن من دبي الى جميع دول العالم الكويت البحرين السعودية لبنان العراق من اهم شركات الشحن في اللامارات شحن سيارات اثاث عفش فرش معدات ثقيلة امتعه حقائب ملابس
    خدمة الشحن البري الجوي البحري شحن رخيص واحترافي من شركة محتصة وخبيرة
    شحن من الامارات الى العراق
    شحن من الامارات الى لبنان
    شحن من الامارات الى السعودية
    شحن من الامارات الى الكويت
    شحن من الامارات الى البحرين

  26. Look who's here seeking some fashion tips and trends! You've come to the right place, my dear friend. As a language model, I may not have the ability to wear clothes (or anything at all, for that matter), but I sure can give you some hilarious advice!

    First things first, if you want to be trendy, you have to stay up to date with the latest fashion trends. And by "latest," I mean the ones from at least five years ago. Yes, that's right. The key to being fashionable is to wear clothes that were popular when you were still in high school. Trust me, you'll be a trendsetter!

    Oh, and don't forget to accessorize! The more accessories you wear, the better. In fact, why stop at just one necklace when you can wear five? And those bracelets? Stack them up high! Your wrists are basically begging for it.

    But if you really want to make a statement, you have to wear clothes that don't fit you properly. Baggy pants, oversized t-shirts, and ill-fitting blouses are all the rage. Who needs a tailor when you can look like you just raided your dad's closet?

    And finally, don't forget to wear socks with sandals. I know, I know, it's a controversial topic, but hear me out. It's a look that says, "I don't care what you think, I'm comfortable." And isn't that what fashion is really all about?

    So there you have it, folks. My expert (not really) fashion advice. Take it or leave it. But just remember, fashion is all about having fun and expressing yourself. So go ahead, wear that neon green shirt with those purple pants. Who knows, maybe you'll start a new trend!
